Precious possessions
Packing my bag to come home after the holidays had me looking at all the sentimental items I carry around with me. I love asking other people what they take with them on their travels but this is the first time I've really noticed my own :~)
~ the little card given to me by a friend with my name on
~ a talisman I bought from a market in Bolivia 10 years ago that is now my travel trinket to keep me safe on journeys. Sometimes it goes missing for months at a time but somehow it always finds a way back to me
~ a piece of sunstone I was gifted on my birthday last year for guidance
~ a fortune from Zoltar, a psychic like the one from Big me my brother found in a bowling alley a few Christmas's ago and now has become a rite of passage to visit every time the family gets together :~)
Little things that make me feel safe and remind me of loved ones <3