With a big concern for the climate and knowing our choices have an impact, materials are chosen with a lot of care. We choose to design with natural materials where possible and work with independent makers who also support this way of working.

Our beads are sourced from a supplier in London who are members of and hold a certificate from
 the responsible jewellery council. The following is from their website: ""RJC (responsible jewellery council) is the global membership and standards body for responsible jewellery throughout the entire supply chain - from mine to retail. Our 'Code of Practice' references key development frameworks, including Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Principles and UN Global Compact and Sustainable Developtment Goals (SDGs)."

Our jewellery findings (gold filled toggles and closures) are from a company in Edinburgh who support ethical and sustainable practices: "We have written assurances from our manufacturers that they are committed to a policy and due diligence process of only using gold which has been ethically sourced and conflict free. The cast majority of our gold and silver products are made from metal which has been recycled and our manufacturers are committed to a policy of using recycled metals wherever feasible. However, as demand for gold and silver has increased the supply of recycled metals has decreased and manufacturers are hesitant to promise that every single gram is recycled."

If you have any questions about our materials or would like to know more, please get in touch, we always love hearing from you <3