An Afternoon with Patsy
Patsy lives down the road from the C et C workshop. She cycles everywhere along the country roads to stop off at neighbours and say hello every week. Even in the coldest days of winter. She normally brings a present from her garden ~ pears from her trees or a chutney she has made.
We went round to visit her one afternoon to have tea, collect some firewood and catch some pears that were falling from her trees. Time seems to speed up when you are with Patsy ~ suddenly it will be 3 hours later even though it feels like you have just arrived.
I went this time with some questions. Number 1 ~ would you be happy to model a few bags for me? Number 2 ~ what do you always make sure you take with you when you travel? And number 3 ~ what do you always carry with you in your handbag? I love finding out what people carry with them ~ everyone's bag, purse or suitcase tells a different story and they normally always have something sentimental in there.
After putting up a little fight Patsy let me photograph her and after a couple of pictures was directing some of the shots herself. I knew she would know what would make a good photograph :~)
The answer to question 2 and 3 was at first nothing. "I don't take anything with me...only a small bag with books on holiday, you don't need a lot of stuff..." Books? "Oh yes, I always take lots and lots of books ~ you need something to read." Patsy has travelled to most countries and camped in the wildest locations. They would set up a tent on the back of their car and stop wherever they wanted for the night. Does she think a car is similar to a bag? " transports your goods from A to B and is something you that is uniquely yours..."
When I asked her if there was something she made sure she always carried with her in her handbag the answer again was "nothing... my bag is empty apart from my purse..." But then after rifling through it she pulled out a small yellow Swiss army knife. "This is a necessity... I always have this with me." What for? "Cutting and peeling." Makes sense ~ especially with all the pears around :~) It was a present from her friend who lives in Italy. "Do you like it? I'll get one for you." I think I might always carry a Swiss army knife around with me from now on too.
When we came to leave she gave me a bottle of port and one of the many port glasses she has been collecting. "Have a little glass in the evening... you only need a's good for your digestion." Thank you Patsy ~ an afternoon to remember indeed.